The Blog

This will be my thirteenth year of documenting my life through scrapbooking. It’s taken a lot of forms: traditional 12×12 layouts, kraft chipboard albums, 8.5×11″ binders. I have this weird thing where I want to keep things structured, but at the same time I need to shake things up every few years to keep things […]

February 5, 2024

Scrapbooking a New Year | Project Life January 2024

I don’t know if you know this about me, but I have a little bit of a problem with trying to make things perfect. Turns out, I also have a bit of a problem with spending my entire life looking at screens. So when I found myself repeatedly drawn to different types of mixed media, […]

January 8, 2024

A Tour of my Mixed Media Art Journal

I have this thing where I cannot bring myself to put film photos in the trash. A couple years ago I culled my collection of printed photos, as so many treasured memories had gotten bogged down in photos of forgotten museums and duplicate landscapes. Still, the photos that didn’t make the cut weren’t relegated to […]

September 11, 2023

Film Photo Collage

In my efforts to declutter some old photos, I came across packets and packets of old film negatives. I had dozens of strips of photos of generic landscapes and forgotten museum exhibits. (Remember when you didn’t even know if a picture was going to be good until you got it printed weeks later?) Needless to […]

April 3, 2023

DIY Upcycled Film Earrings

I’ve had this vision bubbling up in the back of my mind for a while now: a vision of collages that blend the ordinary with the fantastical. After digging up some old magazine clippings and a sketchbook, I decided to make this floral self-portrait my very first art journal page!

March 6, 2023

Easy DIY Self-Portrait Collage